Later we'll learn that the woman is Major Motoko Kusanagi, a cyborg field agent for the Public Security Section 9 task force, and her job was to prevent the programmer from defecting while leaving no trace of official government involvement. Outside the window, the assassin drops from sight and is quickly enveloped with a cloak of invisibility, blending her body into the cityscape below. Suddenly, the window shatters with gunfire and the ambassador is slaughtered in grisly fashion. A few floors down, a foreign ambassador argues his diplomatic immunity to police attempting to arrest the man with him, a government computer programmer in possession of state secrets who has sought political asylum. In its opening scene, a woman stands atop a building roof, strips almost entirely nude, arms herself, and leaps backwards off the ledge. The picture makes its intentions clear right away that this will not be a children's cartoon.

The film didn't quite achieve that lofty goal, but certainly did leave a lasting impression and has endured as a classic of both the sci-fi and animation genres. 'Ghost in the Shell' sought to bring it into the mainstream. Prior to that time, anime had been making inroads into Western popular culture on home video, and the theatrical release of 'Akira' made a notable splash a few years earlier, but the medium had never broken out beyond a cult audience. Mamoru Oshii's 1995 adaptation of the popular Japanese manga 'Ghost in the Shell' is notable as the first anime feature film to be released to theaters simultaneously in Japan, the UK, and the United States.
A movie that questions human existence in the fact-paced world of the information age, this award-winning, cyber-tech thriller has established itself as one of the leading Japanese animation films of all time. Veteran director Mamoru Oshii skillfully creates the ultimate anime experience in this futuristic masterpiece based on the ground-breaking comic book by Masamune Shirow. Seamlessly merging traditional cel animation with the latest computer graphic imagery, this stunning sci-fi spectacle challenged the boundaries of mainstream animation with detailed artistic expression and a uniquely intelligent story line. Ghost in the Shell took the world by storm, exhibiting a new dimension of anime with unprecedented, mesmerizing cinematic expression. Together, with her fellow agents from Section 9, they embark on a high-tech race against time to capture the omnipresent entity. Overview - 2029 - A female cybernetic government agent, Major Motoko Kusanagi, and the Internal Bureau of Investigations are hot on the trail of a "The Puppet Master", a mysterious and threatening computer virus capable of infiltrating human hosts.